I studied Ashthanga Yoga when my own teacher, Ilonka Miklosi, discovered it back in the 1990’s. I remember how difficult it was to hold down dog for the requisite five to eight breaths, how difficult it was to engage the bandhas, how difficult it all was………… Asthanga Yoga was popularised by K Pattabhi Jois, who has lately joined the ranks of the fallen Gurus of Yoga. This brief introduction to the style is not the place to argue as to whether he deserves that fate or not, rather I want to explain how Asthanga Yoga is a great and powerful system of honing and developing the body-mind. The progressive sequencing of the poses makes it easy for those who are not naturally flexible to bring their bodies as far as those bodies allow, the long holds in down dog at the start allow for the development of great heat, the focus on the breath and bandhas hone the mind in one-pointedness, and the sense of community engendered by the communal discipline on the mat is great for morale. A little Asthanga group, working together in private, in Mysore style, can go a long way.