Is it a blog when you simple quote two people who say what you want to say more eloquently that you ever could yourself?
“All of western medicine is built on getting rid of pain, which is not the same thing as healing. Healing is actually the capacity to hold pain. The physical practice of yoga will teach you to deepen your breath and hold your focus steady through discomfort. It helps us create a relationship with pain. In time I’ve come to realise that pain is just one facet of our physical experience, but who we are permeates beyond it. Without pain we would be like a builder without tools, an artist without inspiration, an explorer without a compass; we’d have no information or stimulation guiding us to create the work of art we were meant to author. So I urge you to know your pain, observe it, heal your pain by listening to it….. what is it trying to tell you?” – Gabor Maté.
What is yoga?
Swami Rama: “Body, mind, soul and breath are interconnected. Yoga is a spiritual science that helps awaken one to the deeper dimensions of being. One thus achieves complete control over the physical, biological, bio-chemical and psychological functions. Power over the autonomic system lies in the proper method of breathing. The first step is to observe one’s breath.”
Swami Rama established the Himalayan Institute in the US in 1971.
Om Shanti 12 October, 2019