We hold a lot of emotion in our hips and pelvic region.
I’ve been introduced to a pose called fallen warrior. It has released my hip rotators and side
glutes in a few weeks more than years of supta padangustasana C. But it released an ass-
load of toxins that had been held in that area. It also released an ass-load of buried
emotion that had been buried in that area.
It reached a peak of release two weeks ago, and only this weekend did it come right. I was
able to put a name to the emotion that was released. It was sadness and, while I generally
refrain from wasting time on naming released emotions, I know that the feelings are very old,
that the holding being released is very, very old. My left foot was slightly turned in until I met
my wife. We worked together on releasing it. I thought I had left it behind……..
There are wells in our bodies into which we can pour our emotions so we can get on with
what needs to be done. There’s no time to deal with fear when you’re running from danger.
There’s no time to deal with guilt when you’re trying to fix whatever you’ve done wrong. But
if you keep filling that well, then those emotions just sit there, getting stagnant and causing
dis-ease until you get a chance to let them go. The physical practice of yoga, resting in the
supportive ground of your own breath, can give rise to the release of those emotions. Be
kind to yourself when that happens.